Tuesday, February 19, 2008

poop on you.

so is this blog extinct now or what?
why is it that i feel as though i am the only one writing in this thing? previously voted as worst blogger ever s now the only blogger.
oh thats right. im the only one without a job or shit to do.
im sitting here wallowing beacuse i cannot leave the house because it is a. freezing outside and i hate walking int he cold... and b. because every time that i leave the house i spend moneya nd lets be honest, i do not have an exuberant amount of cash to just be throwing around like its going out of style... hmm.. interesting.
so i have one week left of my free gym membership and i need to go to the gym, becuase all i do is lay around and eat, but it is so cold out the six blocks is feeeling very far away.
cimin started her job today so i cant even hang around and complain wiht her anymore, its down to collin and i. and all he does is sit on the computer on the futon all day and watch tv. booooooooo boys will be boys.
so i am in the love with my new little baby guy computer. it is fantabulous and i cant even tell you how many cool things are on it beaucse i dont even know yet because i havent figured it out.
HOW WAS DC anyway? i am so totally jealous that you guys all got to be together there. devestation proclamation. wish i could have had a little fun in that sun.. just like mercedes is having right now in her eighties music playing restaurant in miami. totally jealous.
wellll i guess i should just get my ass out of the sac now and do something with my life. miss you all totally lots.
lovvveeee youuuuuuu

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