Friday, January 11, 2008


Whats scary to me, and I mean so scary is that I have no recollection of those pictures... who IS that man is YES INDEED the question. AND how did I get that shot in my hand, I thought I had just the little one, ONE-- but that one looks full, and I def remember taking the first shot, and if you notice in the picture that shot is full

f hard liqour

glad i gave that up...or now use it in moderation

ok peace I am going to hear that founder of the Grammen bank speak and am so excited!!

1 comment:

fidadi said...

my mother would be sooo jealous!! you know she's such a feminist..she talks to me about the grameen bank all the time...what a genius idea it is and how it could work to help alleviate the pains of poverty all over the world. when you call me next make sure to tell me about it.